2.5" x 2.5", Clay, Unglazed.
Clay imprinted with sashiko on plain weave cotton.

Nowaki(Typhoon) 野分
In this context, Nowaki refers to “windblown grasses”. This beautifully evocative sashiko pattern likely developed from coastal fishing communities. It quite emotively depicts the shape of dune grasses in a strong sea breeze, and represents both resilience, and the fortified strength of one’s roots.

Shippo-Tsunagi 七宝つなぎ
Made with intersecting circles which represents "peace" and "harmony". This pattern would be regarded as auspicious motif that represents "treasure all over the world" and "never ending prosperity in a family". It would be taken for a family emblem and used on back side of a folding screen.
The Seven Treasures Sashiko pattern has a a rich and multi-faceted history. Its geometric design combines four ellipses in a circle, in such a way that the lines inside make more circles. The word Shippo is a reference to precious stones in Buddhism, and is partly a reference to the ‘shiny’ appearance of the circles’ interiors. You will often see this pattern combined with flowers in sashiko embroidery.
Because of the geometric flow effect of the intersecting circles, this pattern more than anything was used to symbolise endless peace and happiness, as well as a talisman for ‘infinite fertility and family prosperity’.